Welcome to the Sensory Evaluation Center!
When you think of sensory testing, what first comes to mind? Is it tasting food products, testing in the booths, and answering questionnaires? Or perhaps evaluating concepts, listening to focus groups, or the ever-popular triangle test? Whatever it may be, the Sensory Evaluation Center at The Ohio State University is your one-stop shop for sensory and consumer testing needs.
We want to take your ordinary experience with sensory and consumer testing and enhance it by:
Understanding your individual needs and tailoring specific experimental designs to meet them
Providing access to new approaches being pioneered in our research program
Making actionable recommendations to help with difficult go/no-go decisions and milestones
And above all else, being customer-centric to make your experience with us a positive one
- To learn more about what our program has to offer, click through the tabs at the top of the page or view SEC card here
From recruitment to analysis and reporting, we are your "one-stop shop" for Sensory and Consumer testing needs!